Sunday 16 February 2014

5 Miracles of Hazrat Ghos ul Azam r.a at birth time

Hazrat sheikh Abdul Qadar Jillani r.a
Mazar Ghos ul Azam r.a

 Differentiated from this, there were various distinctive great events incorporating the life beginning of Shaikh Abd al-Qaadir al-Jilani ra Shaikh Sayyiduna Shahabud-Racket Suharwardi ra refered to the going with five wonders (Karamahs) relating to the origination of al-Ghawth al-Azam ra in his distinguished book, Manaqib-e-Ghausia:  

(1). On the eve his life initiation, his father r.a saw the Prophet Muhammad sww in his dream. The Prophet Muhammad sww accommodated him the going with joyful welcome: O Abu Saaleh! ra Supreme Allah has favored you with a dedicated tyke. He is my treasured and the dear of Almighty Allah. He is the most complimented around the Awliya and Aqtaab.

 (2). When he was considered, he had the impression of the foot formed impression of Rasoolullah, sww on his shoulder. This alone was the proof of his Wilayah (Sainthood).

 3. God-like Allah gave happy greetings to his folks in their dream that their child might be the Sultaanul Awilyahand the individuals who contradict him might be Gumrah (misdirected).

(4). On the eve of his conception, give or take eleven hundred guys were conceived in Jilan. Each one of them was a Wali Allah.

(5). He was conceived on the eve of Ramadaan and throughout the whole month of Ramadaan he never drank drain after the time of Sehri and before the time of Iftaar. As such, he kept quick from the day he was conceived. His mother said that he never weeped for milk for the whole day and he would just drink milk around then of Iftaar!


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