Monday 23 December 2013

Biography of Hazrat Data Ali Hajveri R.a (Part 1)

Darbar Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a
 Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a is the most brilliant figure of our history. While Muslim warriors vanquished these parts of the sub-mainland by energy, the Muslim Examples of piety recognized themselves with the individuals, and deciphered Islam to them as a sound approach to better life in this planet and henceforth. The individuals were not changed over to Islam under any weight of the military; they acknowledged Islam voluntarily on account of the bid of the message of Islam as passed on and lectured by Muslim evangelists.
 By regular assent Hazrat Ganj Bakhsh r.a is an incredible Example of piety of the sub-landmass. Hazrat Ganj Bakhsh r.a was conceived in Ghazni, a little put in Afghanistan. Found at a higher height it is a cool put in summer. The winter is blustery and icy. The point when Ghaznavids were in force, this town was known for its magnificence as it happened to be the capital of their domain. It is said, it is contemporary to Harrappan and Indus valley human advancement. It was the core of exchange with "Khurasan" and Sindh. It was a medieval walled city with expensions of regions called "Mohallahs" advanced outside the walled city. Two of these Mohallahs were regarded as "Hujwer" and "Jalab".
Hazrat Ganj Bakhsh's, family existed in the area of Hujwer. In his book Kashful Mahjub he cateforically appealed to God for Ghazno "turning into the home Paragons of piety and revered men". Numerous books notice 400 A.h. then again 1000 Commercial as date of life commencement however a few journalists by investigating the contemporary recorded occasions contend it to be 1002 Promotion.
Hazrat Ganj Bakhsh r.a was a Hasani Syed i.e.. a descendent of Hazrat Ali r.a. By and large recorded is Ali Hujweri s/o Muhmmad Usman s/o Abul Hasan ali, who was child of Abdur Rehman r.a s/o Shah Shuja r.a s/o Abul Hassan Ali r.a s/o Asghar r.a s/o Dawood r.a s/o Imam Hassan r.a who was child of Hazrat Ali r.a. Those of "Alids" who made due at Karbala looked for shelter in inaccessible terrains. (There is a portrayal that a few survivors of the disaster came to lahore and around them Bibi Rukayya, the pure woman, whose tomb is worshipped as Bibi Pak Daman r.a). Some address this, however dispersal after disaster of Karbala is affirmed. Around them were the progenitors of  Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a, evidently a rich family, with a religious dedication, devotion and studying. Being in Iran, the group of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a was all in all Iranised. They had wedded Iranian Lady. In the deviation of composing the book Kashful Mahjub in persian, in place of Arabic, is proof that the spoken dialect of the family was persian.
The definitive name of Hazrat Ganj Bakhsh r.a was Abul Hasan Ali r.a when he came to be regarded as Example of piety, he was surnamed 'Ganj Bakhsh' r.a as a result of his liberality. In Kashful Mahjub, Hazrat Ganj Bakhsh r.a has alluded to himself as Ali Container Usman-canister Ali-al-Jallaby-al- Ghazanvi-al-Hujweri. He was named after his granddad. Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Muinudin Chisti r.a, the commended Example of piety of Ajmer, reflected at the tomb of Hazrat Ganj Bakhsh r.a. A time of forty days later, he was, it is said, significantly influenced by the graces gave upon him at this sacred place and it was here that he got the profound brightening. At that minute remaining at the foot of the tomb, keeping in mind the incredible example of piety said: 

"Ganj Bakhsh-e-faiz-e-alam, Mazhar-e-noor-e-Khuda, Naqisan-ra pir-e-Kamil, Kamilan ra Rahnuma"

  It is by and large suspected that from that date the Holy person came to be called Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a. The couplet is engraved over the marble curve on the passage door of the tomb. Some, then again, feel that the Example of piety was so known actually throughout his lifetime. Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a had incredible and splendid learning of Quran, custom, history, law and rationale and so on that is affirmed by the fortune trove in the standard 'Kashful Mahjub'. The inimitable mission of the Holy person was to make the individuals comprehend correct Islam. He r.a had incredible ability in talks, verbal confrontations and significance of thought. Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a, as alluded to in Kashful Mahjub has composed seven different books these are:- 
i) Minhajuddin holding record of different Sufis. 
ii) Asrarul Khiraj Wal-maurat method of livehoof. 
iii) Kitabi Fana-o-Baqa. 
v) Kitab-al-byan li-ahl-al-Iman. 
vi) Al-riayat li Haquq Allah. 
vii) A book on the subject of Confidence. 
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a was himself a writer. He r.a has cited various verses in Kashful Mahjub and this shows his improved taste for verse. The Holy person, it is shows up from his works, voyaged widely. The spots went by incorporate Amul in Tabaristan, Baghdad, Isphahan  Farghana, Azerbayjan, Balkh, Merv, Baward in Turkman, Damascus, Khurasan and Kirman Samarkand, Eygpt, Heart, Nishapur, Hijaz,Tabrez and so on., and so forth.
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a was a researcher Example of piety. His prototypal work Kashful Mahjub is scholary piece of different subjects. A profound and intensive study heads one to reveal the virtuoso of mysticism as adages of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a . Prof. Masud in his book on Information Ganj Bakhsh has duplicated and ascertained 536 such 'Aqwal', to quote one:
 Consistent with 'Fuwaid –ud-Fuwad' by Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia r.a os Delhi when Hazrat Al-Khattali r.a asked Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a to continue to Lahore, he communicated astonish at the order,for, Shaikh Zanjani was there. Yet he was asked to take after the requests without addressing. The point when Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a arrived at Lahore, the first thing he perceived was that memorial service of Hazrat Shaikh Zanjani r.a was being taken out and Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a headed the burial service supplication to God. It in this way dawned on him why his Shaikh had requested that him move ahead to Lahore. Shaikh Al-Khattali r.a who was the Qutab of the age was a man of incredible profound vision. He should have visualised that the Seljuks were liable to ascent. Islam had as of late entered punjab and there was incredible extent of work. There is quarrel around the essayists about the date of entry yet it is around 1034 or 1035 Commercial. Two Sufi Researchers went before Information Sahib if there should arise an occurrence of Lahore. These are Shah Hussain Zanjani r.a and Shah Ismail r.a. Shah Hussain Zanjani r.a burned out in 1034 and his tomb is in Chah Miran. Shah Ismail r.a kicked the bucket around 1048 and his tomb is on the Corridor Way.
Consistent with Syed Muhammad Latif and Tahqiqat-e-Chishti r.a one of the first persons to wind up Muslim at the hands of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a was Rai Raju, who was the Naib Hakim of Lahore. On transformation to Islam, he was named Shaikh Hindi by Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a. There is probability that affected by Rai Raju numerous others vonverted to Islam. 
There were expansive transformations in the range of Bhati Door which had been named as Hujweri Entryway. On grumbling, the ruler, Sultan Masud alluded the pioneer Jai Singh and different Hindus to Information Sahib where they all gripped Islam on strong smooth and persuading contentions of Information Sahib. Information Sahib alsodecided that the name of the Entryway may not be Hujweri Door or Jai Singh and rather be called Bhati Door as some time recently. 
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a procured extraordinary acclaim and came to be distinguished as the Qutab-ul-Aqtab. He had throughout this period numerous followers who came to him for religious directions. He had "Khanqah" and a Mosque in his lifetime. This Mosque was re-inherent 1279. It was harmed later, around late 1960s throughout a tremor. It is said that when initially being fabricated a portion of the locals called attention to that the "Qibla" of the Mosque was not precisely in the western heading and showed up towards north. On studying the complaint the Sacred Example of piety himself one day headed the supplication to God and after that asked the individuals who had questioned check whether the ""Qibla"" was wrongly set. When they saw they discovered it straightforwardly in accordance with the Heavenly Kaaba. It was the first "Karamat" of the paragon of piety. As recently said the most significant of Hazrat Ganj Bakhsh r.a was Kashful Mahjub. The book took very at some point to fulfill and he summed up his otherworldly encounters in the same. This was additionally the first finalize Sufism composed in Persain. Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a was additionally a researcher of Arabic yet to speak effectively with his followers, he kept in touch with it in Persian. This book was make as English by Prof. R. A. Nicholson. He was Teacher of Arabic and in some cases speaker in Persian at the College of Cambridge. The first English release showed up in 1911, second in the year 1936 notwithstanding an alternate in 1959. In the presentation Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh r.a noted that the book was composed in response to some issue raised by Hazrat Abu Saeed Hujweri r.a concerning Sufism. The book looks to demonstrate divine systeries, method for truth and phases of Sufism which one blankets in his correspondence and effort to reach creator.


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