Friday 17 January 2014

Tala Al Badru Alayna (Arabic Naat) watch video online

watch video of Tala Al Badru ALaina free online
Arabic Naat TALA AL BADRU ALAINA by girls 

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Watch video Muhammad Rasool Allah sww

Monday 13 January 2014

Ya Muhammad Noor e Mujasam (watch free Naat online)

AL ASMA UL HUSNA (watch free online)

Metha Metha hai mere Muhammad ka nam (watch free Naat)

Friday 10 January 2014

Miracles of Last holy prophet Muhammad sww after birth

miracles after birth of LAst Propeht sww

 AFTER Life commencement
Hazrat Abdul Muttalib r.a (granddad of Rasool Allah (saw)) was in Qabba that morning and abruptly stone icons tumble down and a voice begin desiring Qabba.. "Muhammad (SAW) is conceived and non devotees will fain before him"
(Al Seerat ul Nabvia, 1:41)

He was thinking about these irregular things mean while an individual came and let him know that Allah conceded him a grandson. He headed off to home Hazrat Amina r.a told Hazrat Abdul Muttalib all the weird things, advices and great news which she has seen
(Tabqat Ibn Saad, 1:103)

Hazrat Abdul Muttalib r.a headed off to the jewish researcher who originated from the nation Sham and sateled in Makkah. He let him know "The extraordinary youngster which i informed u concerning has conceived. The previous evening the star which was assume to give his news is likewise raised"
(al Seerat ul Nabvia, 1:41)

Delineated by Abu Naeem and Bahaki r.a that Hazrat Hassan r.a holder Sabit (RZ) told that "i was 7 or 8 years of age. Also i could appreciate talks. That morning a Jews was staying on a rock and was expressing uproariously "goodness collection of Jews, please gather. I have an unbelievable news" when people gathered he said "The star of Ahmad has raised. That Prophet is considered this night (which everyone was holding up).
(Al Mohaib al Askalani) 
(Al Khasis al Sayoti) 

Delineated by Imam Hakim that Hazrat Ayesha (RZ) said "There was a Jew in Makkah, at the night of origination he left his house and asked tribe quresh "is a ke envisioned around you?" individuals said no. He said 
"Hear me out deliberately! Today last prophet of this ummat is acknowledged. Similarly goodness tribe of Quresh! He is from you" 
(Seerat al Nabvia, Dahlan 1:40) 

"There is a seal of prophetism on his shoulders. These things are say in old books. Take off to your houses and ask" 
Qureshi individuals were staggered. Every single one of them went home and soon they all came to comprehend that Allah has allowed Abdul Muttalib r.a a grandson. moreover on his start a plenitude of un general things and marvel happen. They soon returned to him and let him understand that "you are
correct. Abdul Muttalib has a grandson". He said take me to his home i need to see with my own particular specific particular eyes. He went there and saw Rasool Allah (saw). Checked his seal of prophetism and said with sympathy "Swear of Allah! Prophetism has went far from bani Israel" 
(Seerat al Nabvia, Dahlan 1:41) 

oo tribe of Quresh salutes another life to you. due to him (saw) you will get that enormity that from east to west he will be celebrated around the world" Before the conception of Rasool Allah (SAW), that year Middle Easterner was under hurl emergencies of yearning and thirst due to no sprinkle. In any case with the life commencement of Rasool Allah (SAW) everything changed. It rained. land transformed into a friend of the environment and products were solid.
"Thats why that year was named "the year of triumph and satisfaction" since before that Bano Quresh were in emergencies. At that point land was green. Trees were green and there was fulfillment and affluence all over the place"

(Seerat Halbia, 1:47)

Miracles of Last Prophet Sww at the time of birth

Hazrat Muhammed saw at birth time miracles appear

At the time of Birth Miracles Appear

 Hazrat Amina r.a stayed pregnant for 9 months. Throughout this time she never feel any issue like pregnant ladies feels. His (saw) father as of recently passed on. Blessed messengers said "Ya Allah! your Prophet will be conceived a vagrant". Allah said "I will be his Deliverer and assistant". Each one (heavenly attendants) get endowments by his conception. Entryways of sky and skies were open.

Hazrat Amina r.a says "6 months later of pregnancy, an individual came in dream. He touched with his foot and said "Wow Amina! r.a you are imagining the most conscious individual of the universe. When he will be conceived, name him Mohammad (saw)."

At that point she r.a says, "when the time of life commencement drew close to i heard a voice which make me frightant, nobody was close me. At that point i saw somebody rubbed a white plume like thing to me and in light of that all the trepidation was gone. I was feeling parched, around then i was offered a juice, white like milk which i drink, and on account of it everything was lightening. At that point i saw tall ladies who
assembled me. They were looking the girls of the trek Abd Manaf. I was amazement on account of there bizarre episodes. At that point i saw smooth dress between earth and sky and somebody said "Take the child and conceal him from individuals".
At that point i saw some individuals who were remaining in air convey silver flasks. Winged animals assembled my house. There looks were of Zabarjad and wings were of precious stones. Allah detracted all the draperies from my eyes. I saw east and west and i saw 3 banners. 1 in east, 1 in west and 1 was put on the top of Qabba. The point when the matter of conceiving an offspring was finished, i saw that remarkable youngster. He was in Sajda (Surrender) and his finger was raised up. like somebody is asking with full fixation. At that point i saw a white cloud descended and conceal the child, he was out of my sight. I heard somebody saying "Take Muhammad (saw) to east and west, and take him to oceans additionally, so everything will distinguish his name and emotional makeup, and likewise that he (saw) is a destroyer too, and will devastate all the Evade.
At that point he (saw) showed up before my eyes. He (saw) was wearing a white dress around then and Muhammad (saw) has caught the keys of prophet ism, triumph and affectation.

under him was green silk. He(saw) was holding 3 keys made of pearls in his grasp and somebody was stating
 Then an alternate cloud showed up and voice of steeds and flying creatures were exiting it. That cloud additionally hided him (saw), and went out of my sight once more. I hears somebody saying "Take Muhammad (saw) to east and west and the spots of prophets. What's more present Genie, creatures, winged animals and each sort of other worldly animals to him, also provide for them him lands of Hazrat Adam, .....tears of Hazrat Nouh,....friendship of Ibrahim, Hazrat Ismael's tongue, Hazrat Yakoob's exceptional news,hazrat Yousuf's magnificence, Hazrat Dawud's voice, Hazrat Ayoob's understanding, Hazrat Yahya's piousy, Hazrat Esa's liberality and qualities of prophets. 

He (saw) again showed up before my eyes. This time a green luxurious peace of material was in his grasp. Somebody said "congrats! Muhammad (saw) has caught entire planet and all animals are under his control. At that point i saw 3 individuals. one was holding a silver container and different was holding white silk which he oppend and took a stamp out of it. It was excessively sparkling that one feels blind. It was washed 7 times with the water of that flask and afterward stamped it between the shoulders of Rasool Allah (saw) and afterward put it in silk material once more. At that point he (angel) shroud him between his wings for quite a while and afterward offer him (saw) to me"
(Al Khasis ul Qubra, 1:47-48) 

Portrayed by Hazrat Amina r.a "i saw tall ladies, they look like from the tribe of Abd Manaf. They accumulated me. I have never seen ladies with all the more brilliant faces. One of them approached, i rested at her (like we bring our over with seat) and after that other one approached and offered me a beverage which was whiter then drain, cooler then ice and sweeter then nectar. she said with adoration "drink it" and i did. Second said "drink more" and i did. furthermore on my asking they let me know that they are Hazat Asia and Hazrat Mariam and with them are hoors of paradise"
(Al Mohaib, 1:112) 
(Anwar al Mohamadia, 33)

There was trembling in blessed Qaba for 2 days and 2 nights (qabaa was loaded with very nearly 365 unmoving divine beings around then) and all the sits in it tumble down. This was the first indication of the conception of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Nosherwah (ruler of Iran) construct a palace which was said to be perfect. That manor trembled excessively heavely that it had breaks in it. Furthermore 14 of its pillers (or windows) tumble down without any shortcoming.

In Faris blaze utilized for worshiping was quenched. That fire was smoldering from 1 thousand years. That as well as the blaze in all the love spots was smothered and nobody was ready to smolder the flame for love that night.

The majority of the individuals of the planet worshiped unmoving divine beings around then. Around the pioneers of quresh ..Warqa canister nofel, zaid ibn e umar and Abdullah container Habsh headed off to there unmoving god and thought that it was tumbled down all over. They attempted to lift it up on its feets and it tumble down. Furthermore it happened 3 times. At that point there was a voice from that sit without moving that "A Tyke has conceived and with his light (noor) East and West are lit up" 
(Seerat e Halbia vol 1)

Stream Sawa went dry. 
water in Samava Valley went dry. 

When the life commencement of Rasool Allah (SAW), that year Bedouin was under hurl emergencies of craving and thirst in light of no drizzle. However with the conception of Rasool Allah (SAW) everything changed. it rained. land got chummy with Mother Earth and yields were solid.

"Thats why that year was named "the year of triumph and joy" since before that Bano Quresh were in emergencies. At that point land was green. Trees were green and there was fulfillment and affluence all around"
(Seerat Halbia, 1:47)

 Prophet Mosa (A.s) educated his country about the life commencement of Prophet Muhammad (pbup) that "when a (certain) star will move from its place that will be the time of the conception of the last prophet. Bani Israel (Prophet Mosa' Country) passed this data from era to era. Thats why when Prophet Muhammad (pbup) was conceived there was a sudden surge in Jews and they were set from one spot to other to get some information about the new conceived child. Jew Researchers utilization to tell Bedouins that quite soon a tyke will conceived and entire Bedouin will accompany him and he will overcome rest of the planet. Who ever will accompany him will be succeed and who will go against him will fall flat. His time of life commencement is close. After conception of Prophet Muhammad (pbup) Hazrat Abdul Mutlab headed off to the Jewish researcher who originated from the nation Shaam and sateled in Makkah. He let him know "The incredible youngster which i informed u concerning has conceived. The previous evening the star which was assume to give his news is additionally raised"
(al Seerat ul Nabvia, 1:41) 

Portrayed by Abo Naeem and Bahaki that Hazrat Hassan container Sabit(rz) told that "i was 7 or 8 years of age. Furthermore i could comprehend talks. That morning a Jews was remaining on a rock and was stating uproariously "goodness gathering of Jews, please accumulate. i have an incredible news" when individuals accumulated he said "The star of Ahmad has raised. That Prophet saw is conceived this evening (which each one was holding up).
(Al Mohaib al Askalani) 
(Al Khasis al Sayoti)

Depicted by Imam Hakim that Hazrat Ayesha (rz) said "There was a jew in Makka, at the night of life initiation he left his house and asked tribe quresh "is a Tyke considered around you?" people said no. He said
"Listen to me deliberately! today last prophet of this ummat is considered. likewise goodness tribe of Quresh! he is from you"

"There is a seal of prophetism on his shoulders. These things are say in old books. take off to your houses and ask"

Qureshi people were astonished. each and every one of them went home and soon they all came to understand  that Allah has allowed Abdul Mutlab r.a a thousand child. additionally on his life starting an excess of un typical things and exceptional occasion happen. They soon returned to him and let him understand that "you are correct. Abdul Mutlab r.a has a thousand child". He said take me to his home i wanna see with my particular eyes. He went there and saw Rasool Allah (s.a.w). checked his seal of prophetism and said with burden "Swear of Allah! Prophetism has went far from bani israel"

(Seerat al Nabvia, Dahlan 1:41) "oo tribe of Quresh praise a substitute life to you. as a result of him(s.a.w) you will get that criticalness that from east to west he will be well known"

Miracles of Hazrat Muhammad sww Before birth

hazrat Muhammad sww appear miracle before birth

Date of Birth:

Each one is concurred that Rasool Allah (SAW) was conceived at Monday.
It is ijmah that the date was 12 Rabi ul Awal (islamic Calender). Which is 571 Ad (christan calender) and first Jaith 628 Bakarmi (hindi Calender).

Before the birth:

 Naratted by Hazrat Qab al Ahbar 
"Ofcource Allah told Hazrat Mosa (as) the time of life commencement of Rasool Allah (saw). also he Mosa (as) let it know to his individuals that when that (a specific) star will move from its place, it will be the time of life commencement of Rasool Allah (SAW). This news and will was going around jews from era to era"
(Alseerat tul Nabviea, Dahlan 1:40) 

A Jewish researcher originated from the Nation Shaam and settled in Makkah. He had the information of sacred books. He use to say
"Oo Individuals of makkah! quite soon a child will be conceived around you. Bedouin and rest of Planet will accompany him and he will won whatever is left of planet. His time of life commencement is close. Who ever will get that time and will obey him, he will be great and who ever will go against him, he will fall flat"
(Alseerat tul Nabviea :41) 

Depicted by Ibn Ishak in Seerat Ibn Hasham that Hazrat Amina r.a said
"Between the state of resting and arousing somebody came (holy messenger) and said "do u know you are gonna be the mother of ruler and Rasool of this ummah"
(Tabqat ibn Saad 1:98)

 Depicted by Hazrat Amina r.a 
"Came to me who was intended to come (blessed messenger) and exhorted me that when he (saw) will be (request to God) "i provide for them him under the safty of Allah against all hatters and awful". And afterward name him "Muhammad" since in torah and injeel(bible) his name is Ahmad. All on earth and skies will prase him. He(saw) is named Muhammad in Quran and Quran is his book"
conceived then present this dua
(Seerat Halbia 1:46)

Depicted by Hazrat Amina r.a (Mother of Rasool Allah (SAW)

"i was pregnant yet i never felt any trouble from begin till closure"
(Tabqat ibn Saad 1:98) 

Portrayed by Umru receptacle Qatiba that Abo Naeem let me know that his father was a greatly proficient individual and he told that when time of conveyance of Hazrat Amina r.a was close then Allah requested heavenly attendants to open all the sky and skies entryways and requested them to go there, so they came and began praising one another. Piles of the planet ran higher with pride, oceans get wild and waves went high. further more earth individuals began saluting one another, each heavenly attendant came there and villain was hang upside down in Bahrekhazir tide in 70 chains and different fiends were like wise tide and that day Sun was given all the more light and 70,000 hoor's were remaining in air holding up for Rasool Allah (SAW) to be conceived. To pay tribute to Rasool Allah (SAW), Allah requested entire ladies of the planet to conceived young men that year.
Along these lines when Rasool Allah (SAW) was conceived, entire earth was load with noor and blessed messengers complimented one another and in every sky a mainstay of precious stone and a mainstay of Zabarjar was set, due to whom everything was lightening. Subsequently these columns are exceptionally celebrated internationally in skies which Rasool Allah (SAW) perceived around then of miraj. He (saw) was told that these columns were set in the bliss of your conception. That night Allah set 70,000 trees of perfumed "kastoori" at the shore of Qosar which will be use to aroma individuals of paradise. That night ones in skies requested gift from Allah. Stone icons were fall by there faces.........."
(Al khasis ul Qubra, 1:47)

 Abu Naeem naratted from Hazrat Abbas (rz) 
"Noor of Rasool Allah (saw) in Hazrat Amina r.a was knows since that night each creature of the tribe Quresh was equipped to talk and it was stating "Swear of Rab e qaba! Rasool Allah (saw) is conceived and he is peace for the planet and the most astounding focus for the universe. Slave jinns of the witches of Bedouin tribes were unable to come to them. There learning was taken away......animals begin running from east th west to salute. Ocean animals additionally praised one another. It was said in earth and skies "be euphoric honored and lenient Rasool abo qasim's (father of qasim) time of conception has come"


Thursday 9 January 2014

Some Miracles of Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sww

miracle of hazrat Muhammad sww

Various supernatural occurrences were gave to and performed by Prophet Muhammad (peace and endowments be upon him) to create the confirmation of his prophet hood. The best supernatural occurrence offered to him was the disclosure of the Qur'an. The Qur'an is phenomenal in various perspectives: Its semantic flawlessness and matchlessness, its approval by later verifiable, archaeological, and logical findings, its predictions et cetera. Not at all like the wonders of different prophets before him, is the supernatural occurrence of the Qur’an unceasing. Prophet Muhammad (peace and gifts be upon him) likewise gave us various correct predictions.

Underneath are records of the portion of alternate wonders of Prophet Muhammad (peace and gifts be upon him). When perusing these, it serves to know something about the Science of Traditions (Arabic: Ahadith), a demanding and complete framework improved by promptly Muslim researchers to check the chain of transmission of these records, and additionally examining the reliability and competence of each storyteller at each level of the chain. This exhaustive validation procedure guarantees that these records are true, accepted depictions of the truisms, activities, and inferred supports of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and endowments be upon him).

The Traditions specified beneath are all from Sahih al-Bukhari, the most bona fide gathering of ahadith.
  • Splitting of the Moon  - Qur'an 54:1
  • Sustenance Augmentation 
  • Water Duplication
  • Supplication for Downpour
  • Lights to guide Colleagues  
  • Shouting of the stem of the Date-palm Tree  
  • Glorification of Allah by the Prophet's suppers  
  • The explusion of a liar's cadaver by the Earth  
  • The Discourse of the Wolf  
  • The Prophet's Night Voyage to Jerusalem and Rising to the Sky

(Watch Free Naat with video) Meri janib B Ho Ik Nigah e Karam

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Muhammad Nabina (Watch Arabic Naat video )free

Qasida Burda Sharif (Watch video free)

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Begining of life